Providers and office staff can sign up for EpiCare link access. EpiCare Link access will allow providers and staff to submit referrals, review results for lab and radiology tests, and more
OneBILH Epic staff have created a tip sheet that outlines how physicians can make referrals to the BIDMC ED and urgent care sites. The first section walks through the process for providers using Epic, and the second for providers using EpiCare Link
Provider practices can follow these directions for printing from off hospital network sites
OneBILH Epic will be implemented across the network between 2024 and 2026.
OneBILH Epic staff have created a presentation that explains EpicCare Link, the system the community providers will use to view patient records in the OneBILH Epic system
We have put together a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you better understand the Epic implementation work and how it will impact you as providers.
BILH will be implementing Epic at sites in three different waves, the first of which will be June 1, 2024. When Epic is implemented, providers in the communities which use these sites will register for EpicCare Link in order to be able to interact with these sites and share patient records.
OneBILH Epic staff have created a tip sheet that outlines how physicians can make referrals to the BIDMC ED and urgent care sites. The first section walks through the process for providers using Epic, and the second for providers using EpiCare Link
The attached instructions allow provider practices that are off site from the hospital to print information from Epic.
How to Print from Epic When Off Hospital Network (docx)
DownloadOneBILH Epic staff have created a presentation that walks through how the community providers will use EpicCare Link to support share care of their patients with BILH hospitals and physicians.
Yes office staff will be given credentials to use EpicCare Link.. PPLLC has reached out to office administrators to ask that they fill out a spreadsheet with information for all staff in the practice who need access. Please reach out to us at to receive this spreadhseet.
PPLLC is communicating all of this information via our newsletters and emails. We also held an office managers meeting on April 10, 2024 where OneBILH IT staff presented on EpiCare Link (materials are posted on this page). OneBILH is aksing for each practice to designate a "local administrator" to be the designated contact for this work. Offices can designate more than one staff person to be the local administrator.
The training session schedule for EpiCare link are posted on this page. We encourage staff to sign up as soon as possible for these live town hall meetings,. Recordings of these town halls will be posted on this page of our website.
Providers can have two or more active EpiCare Link accounts. These accounts will be merged in the Epic system.
This project is now in scope, and OneBILH Epic staff have reached out to eCW to schedule the work.
Yes they are the same thing. EpicCare Link is just a different name used in the BILH system. EpicCare Link has a way to link sign-ins from different hospital instances of Epic; the process of how to make this link will be explained in the training materials.
Any notes that haven’t been carried over to Epic will be available through WebOMR for a period of time. After that, a request would need to be made to Medical Records.
Specialist notes can be uploaded via document upload.
OneBILH staff are working on how this process will be transitioned over to Epic.
Any notes from the last five years that are already in OMR will be brought over. On a go-forward basis, only notes that you PDF and upload will be part of the record. The following chart shows how many years of data will be converted into Epic:
OneBILH IT will be communicating a process for how to get answers to quesitions from provider groups on EpiCare LInk. We will update our website with this information as the June 1 start date approaces.
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